New program: Six-to-Fix to provide vital resources to save threatened buildings
New program: Six-to-Fix to provide vital resources to save threatened buildings
New program: Six-to-Fix to provide vital resources to save threatened buildings
City of Frederick seeks individuals to serve on HPC
In the news: Annapolis HPC will weigh in on new mural
Sep 19: Crab Feast in Cambridge
In the news: Frederick City HPC recommends designation of four properties outside district
June 18: Evaluating Replacement Windows Webinar
In the news: St. Mary's HPC studying County's archaeology sites at threat from sea rise
In the news: National Trust interviews MAHDC Director Tom Liebel
In the news: Calvert County HDC honors Dr. Ralph Eshelman
June 9: Why Do Old Places Matter? Webinar
In the news: Harford County HPC presents annual preservation awards
May 29: Social Hour at Schifferstadt
In the news: Trout Run designation discussed on Kojo Nnamdi Show
Maryland's Historic Districts, Spring 2015 Edition, now available
Apr 23: Financial Benefits of Historic Preservation Seminar
In the news: Frederick County recommends designation of Trout Run
In the news: Kent County debates over wind farm construction
In the news: City of Frederick keeps demolition review
In the news: Montgomery Modern Program wins MHT award
Feb 27: NPS Webinar - Evaluating Replacement Windows