
Lisa Craig, Chief of Historic Preservation in Annapolis, resigns

Excerpt from Capital Gazette: The top historic preservation official in Annapolis resigned Monday, a week after the election of a new mayor who challenged the city's policy on protecting its historic buildings. Lisa Craig, chief of historic preservation since 2010, submitted her resignation to planning and zoning director Pete Gutwald. “I am very unclear as [...]

By |2020-10-20T17:28:05-04:00November 17th, 2017|Annapolis, Legal Issues|Comments Off on Lisa Craig, Chief of Historic Preservation in Annapolis, resigns

Hagerstown HDC asks for proof of funding for new construction before approving demolition

Excerpt from Herald-Mail Media: Developers are preparing to demolish a downtown building to make way for new classroom space as part of the new urban improvement project, but school officials say there's a bit of housekeeping to do first. Washington County Board of Education President Melissa Williams wrote in a letter to the county commissioners [...]

By |2020-10-20T17:28:05-04:00November 17th, 2017|Commission Policies & Procedures, Design Review & Guidelines, Hagerstown, New Construction|Comments Off on Hagerstown HDC asks for proof of funding for new construction before approving demolition

City of Baltimore’s CHAP approves demolition of Eddie’s of Mount Vernon

Excerpt from Baltimore Business Journal: In what was described as the only path to the future in Mount Vernon, a chunk of the past will soon be getting the wrecking ball. A city panel voted Tuesday to allow demolition of the Eddie's of Mount Vernon grocery store and other historic buildings at 7-15 W. Eager [...]

By |2020-10-20T17:28:05-04:00November 16th, 2017|Baltimore City, Commission Policies & Procedures, Design Review & Guidelines, Landmarks & Designations|Comments Off on City of Baltimore’s CHAP approves demolition of Eddie’s of Mount Vernon

St. Mary’s County HPC sponsors presentation on African American genealogy

Excerpt from The Enterprise: An Empowerment and African American Genealogy presentation led by Chris Haley, Maryland State Archives research director for the history of slavery, will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 15, from 7 to 8 p.m. at the St. Mary’s commissioners’ meeting room in Leonardtown. Sponsored by the St. Mary’s County Historic Preservation Commission, St. [...]

By |2020-10-20T17:28:05-04:00November 16th, 2017|Community Outreach & Education, St. Mary's County|Comments Off on St. Mary’s County HPC sponsors presentation on African American genealogy

Preservation Matters: Frederick played major role in early food canning, distribution

Excerpt from the Frederick News-Post: by Christina Martinkosky In an effort to help inform residents about historic preservation in the city of Frederick and enhance community outreach and the perception of the city’s Historic Preservation Commission, The Frederick News-Post has partnered with historic preservation department staff members to bring you a weekly column dedicated to the subject. [...]

By |2020-10-20T17:28:05-04:00November 12th, 2017|Community Outreach & Education, Frederick City, Industrial|Comments Off on Preservation Matters: Frederick played major role in early food canning, distribution

City of Frederick HPC approves first design details for downtown hotel project

Excerpt from Frederick News-Post: After months of discussion and tweaking, developers and architects working on Frederick’s proposed downtown hotel and conference center cleared a “major hurdle” Thursday with the city’s Historic Preservation Commission. “Tonight was a major hurdle that we passed after many, many workshops and a lot of good back-and-forth between the Historic Preservation [...]

By |2020-10-20T17:28:05-04:00November 9th, 2017|Design Review & Guidelines, Frederick City, New Construction|Comments Off on City of Frederick HPC approves first design details for downtown hotel project

Berlin HPC okays church sign and exterior fridge

Excerpt from Ocean City Maryland News: BERLIN – A new sign will soon accent Buckingham Presbyterian Church following approval this week from the town’s historic district commission. On Wednesday, the Berlin Historic District Commission approved the church’s plan to install a new sign in front of the Main Street structure. “I love the sign,” said [...]

By |2020-10-20T17:28:05-04:00November 2nd, 2017|Berlin, Design Review & Guidelines|Comments Off on Berlin HPC okays church sign and exterior fridge

City of Frederick HPC holds workshops with developers to go over plans for once Birely Tannery demolished

Excerpt from Frederick News-Post: Members of the city’s Historic Preservation Commission voted in September to allow for demolition of the early 20th-century Birely Tannery building as long as proper historic mitigation efforts are performed. The vote spearheaded a series of workshops now underway with the commission to go over the project’s design details. Commissioners will [...]

By |2020-10-20T17:28:05-04:00October 27th, 2017|Commission Policies & Procedures, Design Review & Guidelines, Frederick City, Industrial, Landmarks & Designations|Comments Off on City of Frederick HPC holds workshops with developers to go over plans for once Birely Tannery demolished

Maryland Historical Trust concludes Baltimore did not have legal authority to remove Confederate statues

Excerpt from the Baltimore Sun: The Maryland Historical Trust has concluded that Baltimore officials didn’t have the legal authority to remove three monuments to the Confederacy and, while acknowledging it doesn’t plan to, the state agency reserved the right to order the city to put them back. Elizabeth Hughes, director of the Maryland Historical Trust, shared those [...]

By |2020-10-20T17:28:05-04:00October 27th, 2017|Baltimore City, Legal Issues, Monuments, Property Types|Comments Off on Maryland Historical Trust concludes Baltimore did not have legal authority to remove Confederate statues

Annapolis City Council changes part of code governing exterior changes in the historic district

Excerpt from the Capital Gazette: The City Council on Monday night...passed: A change to a part of the code that governs exterior changes to building in the Historic District. The code previously gave the Historic Preservation Commission authority over "any other factors, including aesthetic factors, which the Commission deems to be pertinent." It will now [...]

By |2020-10-20T17:28:05-04:00October 27th, 2017|Annapolis, Design Review & Guidelines, Legal Issues|Comments Off on Annapolis City Council changes part of code governing exterior changes in the historic district

City of Frederick HPC postpones decision on utility meter placement for Washington Gas and owner to find better option

Excerpt from Frederick News-Post: An ongoing dispute between the city’s Historic Preservation Commission and local utility companies reared its ugly head last week with a request to install a portion of a gas meter on the facade of downtown Frederick’s Pythian Castle. Gideon Properties, a Hagerstown-based real estate investment firm, is set to renovate the [...]

By |2020-10-20T17:28:05-04:00October 27th, 2017|Design Review & Guidelines, Frederick City|Comments Off on City of Frederick HPC postpones decision on utility meter placement for Washington Gas and owner to find better option

Montgomery County HPC calls for committee to craft comprehensive approach to safeguarding burial grounds

Excerpt from Bethesda Magazine: A bill directing the Montgomery County Planning Department to maintain an inventory of burial sites in the county likely would require the agency to hire a full-time archaeologist. Creating the inventory could cost $260,000 at first, and the county would need to spend about $118,300 per year on a staff member [...]

By |2020-10-20T17:28:05-04:00October 27th, 2017|Archaeology, Montgomery County, Survey & Documentation|Comments Off on Montgomery County HPC calls for committee to craft comprehensive approach to safeguarding burial grounds

Maryland’s Historic Districts – Fall 2017

Read the complete Fall Issue. Excerpts from this edition: Gaithersburg Study Finds Local Districts Pay Chris Berger, Planner and Staff Liaison to Gaithersburg HPC, City of GaithersburgProperty rights advocates throughout the nation are attacking the validity of local historic districts. They claim that local designation adds an extra layer of government regulation that negatively affects [...]

By |2020-10-20T17:28:05-04:00October 17th, 2017|Annual Meeting, Archaeology, Gaithersburg, Good News, Historical Material Maintenance, Newsletter, Prince George's County, Tax Credits, Training|Comments Off on Maryland’s Historic Districts – Fall 2017

City of Frederick HDC approves Brewer’s Alley rooftop terrace designs

Excerpt from the Frederick News-Post: Brewer’s Alley’s rooftop terrace is slated for a makeover of sorts that will protect diners and drinkers from the elements following an approval Thursday from the city’s Historic Preservation Commission. Roughly a year ago, owner Phil Bowers constructed a wooden pergola — a column-supported open grid for growing vines — [...]

By |2020-10-20T17:28:05-04:00October 14th, 2017|Design Review & Guidelines, Frederick City, New Construction|Comments Off on City of Frederick HDC approves Brewer’s Alley rooftop terrace designs

Hagerstown HDC approves design for The Maryland Theatre expansion

Excerpt from Herald-Mail Media: The design of the proposed $13 million expansion of The Maryland Theatre received its final approval from the city, and now just needs to work out a few kinks before the project can move forward. The Hagerstown Historic District Commission approved the design of the 30,000-square-foot expansion during its meeting Thursday, [...]

By |2020-10-20T17:28:05-04:00October 14th, 2017|Design Review & Guidelines, Hagerstown, New Construction|Comments Off on Hagerstown HDC approves design for The Maryland Theatre expansion

Baltimore’s CHAP determines Eddie’s of Mount Vernon and the neighboring buildings contributing to neighborhood’s significance

Excerpt from the Baltimore Sun: Baltimore developer is seeking permission to demolish the Eddie’s of Mount Vernon grocery store and the neighboring buildings to make way for a mixed-use development on West Eager Street. On Tuesday, Baltimore’s Commission for Historical and Architectural Preservation determined the buildings at 7-11, 13 and 15 W. Eager St. contribute [...]

By |2020-10-20T17:28:05-04:00October 14th, 2017|Baltimore City, Commission Policies & Procedures, Landmarks & Designations, New Construction|Comments Off on Baltimore’s CHAP determines Eddie’s of Mount Vernon and the neighboring buildings contributing to neighborhood’s significance

Baltimore’s damaged Columbus memorial to be repaired

Excerpt from the Baltimore Sun: A damaged monument to Christopher Columbus — believed to be the oldest in America — will be repaired and rededicated, a key Baltimore official said Monday. Eric Holcomb, the city’s director of the Commission for Historical and Architectural Preservation, said it’s possible the monument will remain dedicated to the Italian [...]

By |2020-10-20T17:28:05-04:00October 14th, 2017|Baltimore City, Community Outreach & Education, Historical Material Maintenance, Monuments|Comments Off on Baltimore’s damaged Columbus memorial to be repaired

Annapolis HPC approves plan to re-brick Main Street

Excerpt from the Baltimore Sun: In the hopes of creating a street that lasts, the Historic Preservation Commission on Thursday voted to approve a city plan to re-brick Main Street in downtown Annapolis. The approval allows the city’s Department of Public Works to vet bids to uproot the bricks and asphalt, which have failed 22 [...]

By |2020-10-20T17:28:05-04:00September 29th, 2017|Annapolis, Design Review & Guidelines, Good News|Comments Off on Annapolis HPC approves plan to re-brick Main Street

Annapolis City Council to hear remarks on ordinance to clarify HPC’s role

Excerpt from the Capital Gazette: As part of a lengthy public hearing schedule, the City Council will hear remarks ordinance that would clarify the Historic Preservation Commission’s role in approving exterior changes to buildings.  

By |2020-10-20T17:28:05-04:00September 29th, 2017|Annapolis, Commission Policies & Procedures, Design Review & Guidelines, Legal Issues|Comments Off on Annapolis City Council to hear remarks on ordinance to clarify HPC’s role
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