Graphic Arts and Web Design Consulting Services

City of Cambridge & Historic Preservation Commission

“Historic Preservation Guidelines: Graphic Illustration and Reproduction” Project

March 7th, 2014

This is a request for qualifications and proposals from qualified firms or individuals to assist in the preparation, design and layout of a final graphic and written report of the City of Cambridge Historic Preservation Commission Design Guidelines. Staff of the Department of Public Works and members of the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) have produced an initial working draft of design guideline material consisting of approximately 15 chapters, 150-200 pages, of written text, graphic images and pictures in various stages of completion. Using this material, the consultant will work with staff and HPC members to proof and provide copy edit services, and then, upon acceptance of final written, graphic and photographic elements, prepare an attractive, graphic friendly, readable final report. The consultant will prepare a copy ready version of the document in an acceptable word format for printing and will assist in the procurement of 5 final printed copies. As part of these services, the consultant will also provide assistance in transferring this information or document to the City’s website in an HTML and PDF format.

Read the entire RFP here.