On November 12, the Maryland Association of Historic District Commissions held its 2020 Annual Meeting virtually with over twenty-five attending, including Commissioners, CLG staff, and business and individual associates attending from across the state. Fred Stachura, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The program included the vetting of two new members of the Board of Directors, Kathy McKenney (Allegany County) and Chris Berger (Gaithersburg), a tribute to Bernie Callen by Kirsti Uunila, a PowerPoint presentation of the Year-in-Review by Leslie Gottert, Executive Director, the Finance Report by Fred Stachura, as Acting Vice-President of Finance, and a lively discussion of new business: Education and Training led by Sheila Bashiri and Fund raising led by Cathy Thompson. The  program ended at 8:30 p.m.  The bios of the new board members is found on the About Us page.  Here are link to the Annual Report and the program, slate and Year-in-Review:

Link to the program, slate and Year-in-Review: 


Link to the 2020 MAHDC Annual Report:
